Rothaus, Black Forest

 Sunday 28/07/24

We left Harz on Friday and we could easily have stayed longer as we were really enjoying it there.  However, we were exhausted from cycling and walking up and down all the hills so spending two days driving had a certain appeal. 😊

Schlüchtsee, a nearby swimming lake

One is restricted to travelling at 80km/h when towing in Germany unless you get a special permit, which means travel is quite slow (albeit very good for fuel consumption) so we gave ourselves plenty of time to get to the south.  There are so many instances of road works in Germany, almost every bridge on the Autobahn is currently being repaired and that slowed us down even more (we have read that the bridge infrastructure across Germany is apparently under huge strain with all of the continuous traffic).

We spent Friday night on a campsite near Heilbron and then completed our travel yesterday, the final leg, a long, winding road into the hills of the southern Black Forest - an area we have long been wanting to visit. 

We went for a walk in Schlühüwana Park which has the most amazing wood art all over.

You get the feeling you are being watched!!

We're in a mid-sized campsite just outside the town of Brünlisbach with lovely access to walk and cycle paths,  so are looking forward to a week of exploring.  We are also only 34km from the Swiss border, so have noticed a mix of German and Swiss families in the campsite, all enjoying the summer holiday season.

Teeny, tiny frog

The model makes it look easy...

We've been invited to join Nathan and Charmaine on a barge move from London to Bath, which is a fantastic opportunity so, when we're done here we will travel to Tours (in France), leave the caravan on a campsite and dash across the channel to join them for ten days or so.  Very exciting!

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