Panzano trail

 Friday 13/09/24

The campsite is about a third full, mostly Dutch, German and French campers.

Yesterday we decided to cycle down the road leading past the campsite to see if we could get to the area where the road was blocked.  We had been told the road was 'coupe', or cut, which we thought sounded overly dramatic.  

We could see there had been quite a few landslips, and there was a lot of debris in the road but we were still quite shocked to see the actual damage done to the road, once we found it.

The rain in Spain falls mainly... here!

There's no way through until they fix it, that's for sure.

The driftwood in the road looks like weird aliens that perished in the flood.

The culvert or bridge under the road had obviously become blocked by floating vegetation, damming up the water which completely overwhelmed the road and, when the pressure became too great, simply swept the entire area away.  In fact, 'coupe' was a very apt description!

Lovely scenery on our walk today.

The Rio Formiga below our position.

Today the wind has finally abated so we went on a longer hike, having already done some shorter walks in the area.  It turned out to be slightly longer (3+ hours walking) and a bit more challenging than we had expected, partly due to all the storm damage still in evidence.  very beautiful, though.

The weather is set to keep improving for a few more days so we'll keep exploring.

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