Duck trouble in Brittany

Friday 27/03/2020

We have a trio of Mallards that overnight on the pond and most of the time they seem to get on fine.

However, as in so many situations where you have two males and a single female, trouble is never far away...

This is my first attempt at loading Youtube videos on the blog, hope you like it.

Isolated in Brittany

Wednesday 25/03/2020

It takes a bit of time to mow all the lawns but the satisfaction is enormous.

Did anyone spot the Mallards in the top photo?

As Covid-19 continues it's march around the world we're just over a week into our French lock-down, in force since last Tuesday.  We happened to go shopping on the Monday, not knowing we were about to be confined more strictly, but we usually go fortnightly so should have enough supplies until next week.  All signs currently indicate that the period of isolation will be extended, so we need to carry self-certified paperwork with us if we need to go out.

Things are so grim we have started eating the weeds - nettle soup.  Delicious!

We harvested as many of the nettles as we could eat before strimming.

Our flights to South Africa have been cancelled and we have also cancelled our Reunion house-sit.  Great disappointment at not being able to see family as planned, and we will miss Toni's Dad's 80'th which we had planned on spending with him in the bush in Botswana.  Unfortunately we are all being affected in some way or another and circumstances are out of all of our control at the moment.

We are extremely fortunate and grateful that we have somewhere so beautiful to stay (our hosts are also currently in lock-down in the UK) for the near future, and once everything starts to return to normal we will decide on our next move.

The spring garden continues to amaze us with dazzling displays (thanks B&T for your many years of planting and planning), and we have started planting the early vegetable crops.  The lawns have been growing faster and faster so we seem to spend a lot of time mowing, strimming and trimming. All good exercise, fresh air and sunshine!

The cats are also loving the warmer, dryer weather and now stay up late into the evenings terrorizing the local rodent population.  Jasper then sleeps in in the morning and is sometimes reluctant to come and do his part in the garden...

Our thoughts are with everyone during these uncertain times, and especially with our daughter, Charmaine, who is still in full work-mode - looking after sick and injured animals on a daily basis.  We are extremely proud of her and her vet colleagues, who don't seem to get much of a mention in the press at all, but are soldering on regardless.

As always, keep safe and keep washing those hands!

Spring 2020 in Brittany

Sunday 15/03/20

After a very, very wet winter, spring is slowly emerging in the garden.  This coming week promises the first decent sunshine for ages and we hope it delivers.  Everything around is the most brilliant green and you can almost hear the grass growing.  Bulbs and blossoms are opening and giving an early display of colour.  The garden is keeping us very busy but providing immense joy.

Cherry blossoms in the Japanese garden - simply stunning!

Like the rest of the world, we are waiting and watching the spread of the COVID-19 virus to see how it will affect our plans for the year.  France is entering a state of lock-down and no doubt others will follow later.

To everyone reading, please look after yourself and stay safe......and remember to keep washing those hands!