Spring is on it's way in Brittany

 Thursday 09/02/22

In spite of the dramatic sky, we've not had much rain recently

Having spent the first couple of week in Brittany watching the rain falling non-stop, we've recently had a good run of drier weather, albeit much cooler at times.  

This has given a much needed crack at getting the garden ready for spring and we've settled into a nice routine.

The panoramic pic distorts the foreground before but we love this view from the bedroom!

Jess has slowed down a lot but still loves a bit of sunshine.

The setting moon doing a Christmas tree impersonation.

Spring is on it's way.

We spend most of the mornings indoors - doing a few chores, trying to improve our French (c'est dificile; très, très, dificile!), Toni does the day's cooking while I usually head out for a pre-lunch chore session outdoors.  After lunch, weather permitting, we head into the garden until we are either bushed or it gets to supper time after which we watch a little television and read until bedtime. 

I caught a few newts while clearing algae from the pond.

And a huge swimming beetle.

Toni keeps the feeders topped up and the bids love it.

They do need to keep an eye on these characters, though...
So do we as they have a bit of a reputation, French hunters.

We try to plan our work with the weather and also have the odd day away: we have been to Questembert for shopping, walked to nearby La Guerno for fresh bread from the boulangerie,  and tomorrow plan on cycling to Noyal Muzillac for coffee.  

We've settled into a nice, gentle rhythm at LBC.  We are enjoying watching the bird and animal life around the area - nature seems to be gearing up for spring, which is not too far away!

We've also been invited to our French medical examinations, part of the 1-year visa process, so we'll have to go to Rennes in March; all the more reason to improve our French!

Bonus pic: 

Learning to use the supermarket bread slicer - we had a 50% chance
of getting it the right way around.  😀