Back in Brittany - our winter sit begins

 Friday 11/10/24

This is the sky signalling an approaching storm.

After an incredible six months of travelling, we're back in Brittany looking after Jasper & Lily for the winter.

Lovely cut flowers from the garden

Courgette flower

Toni's reward for dead-heading all the Hydrangeas in spring

We travelled around 12,500km in Dassie, most of it with Orthos in tow, and visited five countries - we've really had a lovely summer!

Now back in Brittany, and although we've already had two storms passing through, the temperature is still quite mild so we're spending a lot of time in the garden as well as wrapping up some jobs on Orthos before we take her to her storage unit in ten days time.

It is a bittersweet time here as it will be our final winter stay at La Basse Cour.  In Spring we're planning on starting our house search for the next chapter of our French adventure.  We love being in France and, although we have become very comfortable Brittany, we would still like to be somewhere a bit dryer and warmer to live more long-term.  We'll see where can find a new home.

At the end of the month, Toni will be flying to SA for a family visit so we'll spend some rare time apart.

Bonus video:-

This morning the wind was from the East so we could hear the howler monkeys at a nearby safari park.  I tried to record them and was rudely interrupted by a Typhoon fly-by.