Preparing to leave the UK

We finally finished cleaning the house and organising the handover for the new owners, and then decamped in Bokkie to Swiss Farm, a lovely touring park just outside Henley on Thames.  We were not expecting the park to be so full at this time of the year – but it was Remembrance Weekend (and the 100th commemoration of the end of WW1 on Sunday, 11.11.18).

Autumn colours along the Thames

We stayed in Swiss Farm from the 8th of November until the 16th – mainly as Toni still had a final day of work left, and also to sell up the Mini.  It was a good ‘shakedown’ opportunity in the Hymer, a chance to organise all our stuff, and see how well we would settle into being nomads….so far so good!

On Friday the 16th we headed out to Commons Wood, a touring park just outside Welwyn Garden City, mainly to spend some time with Charmaine and Chris.   

Ettienne & Debbi came to wish us well for our travels on the Saturday, and we spent a lovely afternoon together.  Burgers are fairly easy to make in the Hymer for a crowd, so will become a staple going forward!

Sunday was Charmaine’s turn to be with us.... and burgers again after a quick trip to Lidl. We will miss our kiddo during our travel, but we have WhatsApp and Skype so will be in constant contact. 

Monday the 19th we headed out to Taunton, as we had an appointment with an alarm specialist to sort out Bokkie’s alarm system. No point in pushing our luck, driving with a dodgy alarm.  This was the first long trip in her - 190 miles - and we are amazed at how smoothly she settled in to the long drive; not many creaks, squeaks or rattles….yet! 

Camping with the sheep at Cornish Farm

Some of the sights of Taunton

We stayed in Cornish Farm, right next to the alarm workshop, from the 19th until the 23rd.  The weather has suddenly turned frigid – winter has definitely hit the UK.  Our heaters are coping beautifully though, and it's lovely and cosy inside.

Unfortunately our alarm problems turned out more serious than we had hoped and we have booked in for a new installation next week.  We thought about moving out for a few days but with the weather forecast looking gloomy we decided to hunker down and finish off the last bits of admin and repairs.  

Hopefully we will get sorted early next week and and head off to Folkestone for a train trip under the Channel.


  1. Hi Toni and Andrew
    Let us be the first to comment on your blog. Well done, you are on the road at last. We are pleased that you have decided to keep a blog - very selfish of course, we will experience your adventures too!
    Best wishes and safe traveling.
    Bernard and Helene

  2. Thanks so much, we are really looking forward to setting off properly but are also glad we have had a little time to settle in and get used to everything first. We hope to see you on the road at some point. Andrew

  3. Hello Gypsies......wanted to be the first to comment but couldn't get sorted out; no matter, second will do. Hope you're having fun, despite the storms and the Frenchies! We (D & I) are soooo envious; esp 'D'; as you know, France is her be-all & end-all. Lovely photos....keep them coming. Looking forward to having 'C' over here soon. Enjoy!
