
Tuesday 14/05/19

We discovered a lovely walk through the Parc de Pombonne behind the aire so decided to walk to Bergerac to rustle up a haircut rather than ride.  There's a pretty lake and wildlife area with bird hides, so it was quite a nice way to get into Bergerac.  We set out after breakfast and walked the 4km into town, managed to get my hair cut and walked back again - something we would never consider doing in our old life, we certainly walk more now.

The pretty lake with it's own beach

A pair of swans with their young in the wildlife area

Church of Notre Dame in Bergerac

Ready for warmer weather
We had some coffee, serviced Bokkie and set off in search of a Lidl for some food shopping.  From there is was a short hop into an Aire in Sainte-Foy and we were luckily first on the scene so got the spot with river frontage - rather pretty.

Leaving Bergerac

Definitely in the heart of the wine district
Impressive steeple on the Catholic church in Saint-Foy le Grande

The view from Bokkie's back door
We're a bit vague on where to go tomorrow so we'll just wing it.  We have a week to tour the area so will see which way the wind blows us (and it is still blowing every day...!)

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