
Sunday 09/06/19

We spent a lovely morning pretending to be enthusiastic parents shouting 'Aller, Aller!' at the cyclists (all youngsters) as they raced past us.  It was great fun and we were amazed to see, what appeared to be road racing bicycles, making short work of grass meadows and forest tracks.  How they get traction with those tyres I don't know!

The course was quite a long, hilly track and the kids set off in heats followed by three marshals who make sure the track is clear before the next heat can set off.  They must have been exhausted as their morning was a continuous dash around the course.  

As usual the parents seemed to be taking it much more seriously than the kids but great fun was had by all. Perhaps the future 'Tour de France' winner is amongst this lot!  There were also a few technical courses where they had to do a very slow slalom course with various challenges, I wouldn't have managed nearly as well as they did.

We stayed around for a few hours and then headed off as things started to peter out.  We passed a large group of 1st generation VW Golf convertibles along the way which was amazing, I didn't know there were so many in existence.

Bokkie hiding in the back corner
We are in a lovely aire and have the prime spot next to a grass area with picnic tables.  When we arrived the sun was out so we managed to dry out some of our kit and lockers which was useful, and have a picnic lunch in the sun.  

We've been for a long walk around the very pretty village but the highlight came later when we were treated to the Tour de Bretagne vintage car and motorbike rally streaming past the aire.  We probably caught a third of it -  we missed the start and it began raining quite hard later - and still photographed over 150 vehicles (I've only posted the most unusual shots 😉). 

It was fantastic - a nice end to a lovely day!  

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