Tuesday 18/05/21
There was rain forecast during the day so we decided to delay our cycle until it had passed. In the meantime I did a few jobs on Bokkie, changing the headlight lamp always needs a few hours set aside. I've done it before on the driver's side and this time it was the opposite side. Access is terrible and most of the time is spent feeling around blindly with my fingertips muttering to myself. It's always a nice job to finish off!
The rain never really materialised so after lunch we hauled the bikes and set off. Its a few hundred meters uphill up the tarred lane outside the campsite before heading off along a bridleway / cycle track. We love finding these tracks as it is so relaxing to be able to enjoy the trip without worrying about traffic on the narrow roads. This one is a shale track between stone walls and was incredibly pretty with the odd sheep and lamb along the route.
About halfway down the track we got our first good look at the power station, very imposing! It was built between 1959 and 1965 when it came into operation and produced power until it was closed down in 1991. They have been busy with decommissioning it ever since and it is expected to take around 100 years in total before it is totally decommissioned - staggering!
The cycle path then took us part way around lake Trawsfynydd which was originally built as part of a hydro-electric scheme in the 20's before being enlarged to provide cooling water for the reactors of the nuclear station. It is now a wonderful angling and nature-lovers' retreat.
We had a lovely cycle and will be sure to check tonight if we glow in the dark. 😀
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