Friday 26/04/19
After spending a relaxing two days in Lisle it was time for Bokkie to move to the house sit. We popped into look at the local LeClerc (supermarket) as we may do our shopping here whilst on the sit and it was enormous; quite intimidating.
Unsettled skies, signs of the storms to come. |
It wasn't too far to the property, through a lovely wine-producing area. Apparently most of the wine produced in Gaillac is consumed locally and not exported; we're keen to sample it while we are in the area.
The driveway to the property was sharper and steeper than we expected and the poor French truck driver two inches behind Bokkie must have the fright of his life when I slammed on the brakes and turned off, testing both the ABS and his reflexes.
Bokkie was hoping we had the right place, not much fun if we need to reverse out. |
The property is magnificent with unbelievable views across the countryside and the hilltop village of Castelnau-de-Montmiral.
It has been raining on and off since we have arrived so we still have to see the place at it's best but we spent a lovely afternoon getting to know our hosts and their flock: 2 Chocolate Labs, 2 Springer Spaniels, 2 Bichon's and 2 magnificent Maine Coons (Toni is in heaven).
We were treated to a wonderful sunset behind Castelnau not a bad view from the kitchen |
I think I have met my match, I got a mauling... |
I think Pud might be broken |
Mika assures us the animal ban in our bedroom doesn't apply to him. |
We're on our own now as our hosts set off this morning to Corsica on their (huge) Triumph motorcycle.
You don't often get to see the wind, the grass gives an idea of what it is doing, though.