Playas de Luz, near Isla Christina

Friday 11/01/19

We were up early as usual, trying our best to be quiet while the other campers slept on.  Toni went for an early morning run so I went to see if it was light enough to photograph any birds. It was quite cold as it gets down to about 4 degrees in the mornings.

We cycled into Isla Christina, toured the busy port with all the fishing boats being unloaded and nets repaired.  It was interesting to see the nets laid out on the docks with hordes (?) of gulls cleaning them.  Apparently, this fishing port is one of the most important ones in Andalusia and Spain - and much of the tuna of Spain is processed here, as there is also a large salt farm nearby.

We toured the village and visited the market to buy some of the local tuna, will definitely be returning for more seafood.

Later this afternoon we went for another walk along the swamps / estuary to watch the birds at work in the low water mud flats.  It's amazing to see them feeding in the mud up to their knees yet their plumage stays so pristine.

It's Friday evening, and the locals have arrived in the campsite - no doubt it's going to be quite 'gesellig' tonight!

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