
Monday 22/06/20

Bokkie has put her feet up for a few days as we have booked into a campsite.  We had laundry to do and, as it is going to quite hot for the next few days, we wanted to be able to keep Bokkie cool and live outside a bit more.

The huge Goulien beach on our doorstep
We must have looked like typical motor-homers when we arrived:  pull in, fill up with water, do a load of laundry, vacuum Bokkie from top to toe, shake everything off, hang up all the laundry... and sit down to a cup of coffee.  Most people arrive and start relaxing immediately!  Having said that, the camp is full of surfer so most of them arrive and immediately head out again to catch some waves.

We took the bicycles to explore the area and cycled to Crozon which is the closest large town.  When we got back we decided to head to the showers while it was quiet - just as well, as we both showered in the ladies ablution.  We didn't see the sign on the way in and just assumed it was unisex, as many campsites are.  I was mortified...😳

Crozon is almost pretty

Interesting artwork outside a clothing store
The campsite is quite busy; we're not used to having so many kids around us but most people head to the beach during the day so it's very peaceful.  Having said that, when it heats up we'll hopefully be joining them in the water. We are surprised at the number of German campers already here, a sure sign that the  European international land borders are open.

On a positive note, we got to practice our French at the campsite reception and I even managed to embarrass myself in French.  Progress!

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